
Kenosha Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hernandez: This is the devastation of a Black Lives Matter riot


Flames from a car dealership set ablaze by rioters lick the sign of a nearby church.

Flames from a car dealership set ablaze by rioters lick the sign of a nearby church.

Kenosha suffered devastating rioting damage last night from those associated with the Black Lives Matter movement. 

Drew Hernandez, host of the Lives Matter show covered the event live on Twitter. 

“They set garbage trucks on fire, they went toe-to-toe with the police at the courthouse,” Hernandez said. “They attempted to set a museum on fire, they set a car dealership on fire, multiple cars, it almost set a church ablaze but the fire department has put it out.”

At 10:30 p.m. the Kenosha Sheriff’s Office issued a countywide curfew until 7 a.m. 

Despite the curfew, rioters continued to lazily smash windows as passersby involved in the protests and rioting casually strolled in the street in the absence of police.

First responders were also caught elsewhere on video giving aid to a police officer who was hit in the head with a brick. Reports indicate the officer was heckled by rioters after crumpling to the ground and lying motionless. 

“Barack Obama said at the DNC Convention that these kinds of of protests are peaceful,” Hernandez said. “I just want to challenge everyone out in America - whether you are left or right that doesn’t really matter. Do these look like acts committed by peaceful protests? Use your brain people.”

The BLM rioting comes after the video of a police shooting of an unarmed black man was released. 

“I am sure an investigation will take place, but it seems Black Lives Matter rioters did not wait for that. They were chanting ‘Black Lives Matter’ over and over and over again,” Hernandez said.

Jacob Blake was shot seven times after disobeying police officers. He is in intensive care after undergoing surgery.

The Kenosha County Government offices were closed today in the aftermath of the rioting.

“The Kenosha County Courthouse and Administration Building will be closed to the public today — Monday, Aug. 24 — due to damage sustained during last night's civil unrest. Court hearings will not be held today, but other county services will remain available online or by phone,” a County statement said.  

Last year Kenosha was ranked number 71 out of 81 throughout Wisconsin for safety, meaning it is deemed one of the less safe communities in the state.