City Of Kenosha issued the following announcement on Dec. 7
The City of Kenosha asks all citizens to help keep Kenosha’s streets and sidewalks clean and safe in the winter months ahead. Citizens can help by removing snow from their sidewalks, handicapped ramps, fire hydrants and roadway inlets, as well as watching for snow emergency information through the local media.
Snow Clearing Sidewalks and Handicapped Ramps
Property owners and occupants are required to keep their sidewalks clear of snow and ice within 24 hours following the end of a winter storm. All properties that abut handicap ramps shall also clear the snow from the full width of the ramp and the adjacent curbline for accessibility purposes. Snow may not be shoveled, dumped, snow blown or otherwise placed in any public street or alley right-of-way by anyone. Additionally, snow should be stored on the same property on which it accumulates. Violators may be fined and can be reported to the City of Kenosha Department of Public Works at 262.653.4050. The City of Kenosha will begin strongly enforcing these regulations moving forward.
When clearing snow from sidewalks, driveways and approaches, residents are encouraged to place the snow in their front yards/towards their homes when possible. This lessens the amount of snow in the parkways, giving additional storage for street plowing operations. This also may help to reduce the amount of snow in driveway approaches and on sidewalks.
Fire Hydrants and Roadway Inlets
In case of emergency and to ensure safety – and also to help reduce the risk of roadway flooding during heavy rain and snow melting – fire hydrants and roadway inlets should be kept free and clear of snow and ice. In the event snow depth prevents plowing up to the street-side mailboxes, the resident shall be responsible for clearing a path for the delivery of mail.
Automated Carts
Citizens are asked to clear an area in the lawn park to place automated carts. Another possible location is on either side of the driveway approach. If a cart is knocked over by a plow please call the Public Works Division office Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at 262.653.4050 and press 0 to speak to the clerical staff.
For more information, visit or pick up a free copy of the City Snow & Ice Control brochure at the City of Kenosha Department of Public Works or call 262.653.4070, between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Original source can be found here.