
Kenosha Reporter

Monday, March 10, 2025

Awareness Through Movement - The Feldenkrais Method to be held January 28


Aurora Medical Center Kenosha recently issued the following announcement.

Awareness Through Movement - The Feldenkrais Method

 Date: January 28,2022

Time: 10:30am - 11:45am

Place: Live on Zoom

Fee: $75

Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement classes use slow, mindful movements to achieve powerful effects in terms of strength, flexibility, and holistic integration of body and mind. Unique to the Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education is that these lessons tie directly into functional movements of daily life, such as walking efficiently, safely lifting objects, and improving one’s posture in sitting or standing.

For most of the classes you will lie on the floor in a variety of comfortable positions: either on your back, front, or side. The teacher guides participants through a sequence of movements, encouraging them to move with gentle attention within a comfortable range. You may become aware of unexpected and interesting connections within and between the movements. As you attend to the improving quality of movement, unnecessary muscular tensions throughout the body can reorganize and release. Participants are often amazed at the quick and clear changes that occur through the neuromuscular repatterning that happens in an Awareness Through Movement lesson!

Please be prepared with an exercise mat, towel or firm pillow, and dressed in comfortable clothes. Classes taught by Eleanor Nowacki PT, Advocate Aurora Healthcare Physical Therapist and Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner

All classes taught live via Zoom.  After registration you will receive a Zoom invite through your email prior to class.  Individuals are welcome to participate either by video or phone. 

Original source can be found here.